19 Kasım 2007 Pazartesi

computer purchesing

Computer world: Hello. JA`s Computer World. How I can help you?
Hilal(I): Hello. I want to offer on computers. I want to get information.
Computer world:What are your computers features?
Hilal(I): I can see your advertisement on the pc magazine. There are special offers can you get information about this advertisement.
Computer world:Of course. There are two special offers. One of them is included Multimedia Monster. latest Pentium CPU, 256 RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, and the price of this offer is $2,500 The other offer is Office Taskmaster - cheaper CPU, 64 RAM, 10 GB Hard Drive,and is not included – monitor price tof the second offer is $1,200
Hilal(I): How many years of their guaranty have?
Computer world:All computer’s guaranty is 1 year guaranty
Hilal(I): And ı want to buy six computer and can you discount for an order of six computers?
Computer world:This is excellent.Because we Discount of 5% for orders of more than five computers
Hilal(I): Ok. I want to order six computer. Can you recieve my order?
Computer world:Which offer do you prefer
Hilal(I): All of computers must be kind of first offer.
Computer world:When do you want receive the computers
Hilal(I): You can deliver them for two days
Computer world:Yes. Of course. How can you do payment?
Hilal(I): I will defray with credit card tomorrow. Can I call you again?
Computer world:Ok. I wait for your calling.
Hilal(I): Thanks for everything
Computer world:Thanks for prefer tu us. Goodday

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